Call by Slovak lawyers responding to the violation of the rule of law in criminal law

We, former and current members of the judiciary, lawyers, academics and members of other legal professions, 
recall our Appeal against the violation of the rule of law published in January 2021, warning, among other things, of the massive violation of the rights of the accused in criminal proceedings and warning against the abuse of criminal proceedings for political purposes. This Call was a significant public criticism of the situation in the Slovak Republic and was supported by over four hundred Slovak lawyers (including 233 attorneys and 123 judges and judges emeritus). According to the Call, the change in the functioning of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies, in particular their efforts to gain popularity with the public, was a cause for concern. As signatories of the Call, aware of the long-standing problems in the courts, the prosecutor's office, and the police, we pointed out that the answer must not be a populist attempt to make crime fighting illegal. The rule of law and the applicable law must be respected, even when they lead to fewer prosecutions and subsequent convictions in criminal proceedings or to fewer people being taken into custody. Furthermore, we have criticised the abuse of the institution of detention to put pressure on the accused in order to obtain his confession or cooperation in the detection of other criminal activities. We were also concerned about the use of the testimony of a cooperating witness as key evidence in criminal proceedings against judges or police officials, who were allowed to enjoy their freedom in exchange for testifying against specific individuals. We have pointed to the overuse of the above-mentioned institute without rigorous scrutiny of the testimony of such persons, allowing them to take disproportionate advantage, noting that such testimony, when it is the only direct evidence against the accused, was found by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in the case of Adamčo v. Slovakia to be incompatible with the right to a fair trial. We have criticised the massive violation of the principle of presumption of innocence by politicians as well as the media, without any expected consequences. By violating the principle of the presumption of innocence, the government has tried to appear to be prosecuting criminals, thereby creating a very dangerous atmosphere of hatred in society. We also considered the relationship between law enforcement and the media to be a major problem. In our opinion, there was a systematic, long-term and selected media leaking information from the files, which then presented their biased and subjective view, and we criticised the fact that the state authorities did not react to these media excesses and did not stop the leaks. We criticized the publication of the minutes of the accused from the pre-trial proceedings in their entirety, which have the potential, as serious procedural errors, to jeopardize the legality of such criminal proceedings and, as a consequence, the very decision-making on the guilt or innocence of the prosecuted persons. At the time, the cooperation between law enforcement authorities and the media was systematic. Media interest was used to discredit specific persons. We have pointed out that in many cases it was not necessary to send a special commando to detain public officials who had previously avoided cooperation with law enforcement authorities and had been questioned only as witnesses, and to humiliate them with handcuffs with the active participation of journalists.
1. Slovak Bar Association surveys on the legality of the procedures of the LEAs

We would also like to remind you that subsequently, on 1 April 2021, the Slovak Bar Association ("SAK") carried out the first internal survey concerning the legality of the procedures of the Law Enforcement Authorities ("LEAs"). The intention was to compile a knowledge index that would provide the SAK Bureau with information on the experiences of defence lawyers and the practices of law enforcement authorities in light of the growing concern of the professional public regarding the practice of the LEAs in relation to the execution of detention. 71 advocates responded to the survey. 72% of the respondents (51 respondents) indicated that in their experience, unlawful coercion is part of the practice of the LEAs. The remaining 20 respondents (28% of respondents) indicated that they had not encountered unlawful coercion in their practice. The next question sought to find out at which stage of the proceedings practices related to unlawful coercion are most common, according to the respondents' experience or information. As many as 98% of the responses confirm the existence of unlawful coercion in pre-trial proceedings (in terms of 31.4% of the responses this is a_ modus operandi_, 39.2% of the responses speak of frequent existence and 27.5% of the responses speak of occasional occurrences). Up to 100% of the answers confirm the existence of unlawful coercion in pre-trial proceedings (in terms of 19.6% of the answers it is a _modus operandi_, 52.9% of the answers speak of frequent existence), the remaining answers speak of occasional cases (27.5%). As many as 84.4% of responses confirm the existence of unlawful coercion at the post-indictment stage, although the vast majority of responses speak of occasional cases - 70.6% (in 2% of the respondents' opinion, it is a _modus operandi_, in 11.8% it is a frequent case). The majority of the answers, 56.9%, confirm the existence of unlawful coercion also in the time after the first instance decision, but only 2% of the respondents mention it as a frequent practice, 54.9% mention it as occasional cases, and in 43.1% of the answers, according to the respondents, there is no unlawful coercion at this stage. When asked whether the failure to file a custody petition in the case of an accused was conditioned or stimulated by his confession, 45 respondents (63%) indicated that their client had such an experience. In the next question, respondents specified at which stage of the proceedings a motion for custody was most often conditioned. Respondents confirmed that they had encountered this practice. In pre-trial proceedings, 91.1% of responses confirmed it (according to 11.1% of responses it is a _modus operandi_, 46.7% of responses speak of common practice, 33.3% of responses speak of occasional cases); in pre-trial proceedings, 95.6% of responses (according to 13.3% of responses it is a _modus operandi_, 46.7% of responses speak of common practice, 35.6% of responses speak of occasional cases); after indictment 69.5% of responses (16.7% of responses speak of common practice, 52.8% of occasional cases); and after first instance decision 28.9% of responses (8.3% of responses speak of common practice, 22.2% of occasional cases). 54% of respondents answered (38 persons) that they are aware that after charges are filed against their client, witnesses are approached by other LEAs before they are questioned by the procedural investigator.

A second internal survey regarding the legality of the practices of the LEAs was conducted by the Slovak Bar Association on 4 September 2023. 110 attorneys participated in the survey. 64% of the respondents (70 respondents) indicated that in their experience illegal coercion is part of the practice of the LEAs. The remaining 40 respondents (36% of respondents) indicated that they had not encountered unlawful coercion in their practice. In response to the next question, at which stage of the proceedings are the practices associated with unlawful coercion, according to the experience or information of the respondents, as many as 98.6% of the answers confirm the existence of unlawful coercion in the pre-trial proceedings (in terms of 14.3% of the answers it is a _modus operandi_, 48.6% of the answers speak of its frequent existence and 35.7% of the answers speak of its occasional existence). Up to 98.6% of the answers confirm the existence of unlawful coercion in the pre-trial proceedings (in terms of 11.4% of the answers it is a modus operandi, 50% of the answers speak of frequent existence), the remaining answers speak of occasional cases (37.1%); 64.3% of answers confirm the existence of unlawful coercion at the post-indictment stage, although the vast majority of answers speak of occasional cases - 54.3% (in 1.4% according to the respondents it is a modus operandi, in 8.6% it is a frequent case); and the majority of answers do not confirm the existence of unlawful coercion at the time after the first instance decision (65.7% say it does not exist); according to 34.3%, there is sometimes unlawful coercion at this stage. 44% of the respondents (48 persons) said that they are aware that after charges are brought against their client, witnesses are approached by other LEAs before they are questioned by the procedural investigator.

2. Politicization of the Special Prosecutor´s Office by a purposeful change in the law

We recall that the situation we criticized became even more acute after the election of the politician Daniel Lipšic as Special Prosecutor, under whose leadership the Special Prosecutor´s Office began to engage in public commentary on selected "live" criminal cases, thus systematically violating the presumption of innocence. Through media statements, the Special Prosecutor´s Office also defended some National Criminal Agency ("NAKA") investigators who were facing criminal allegations. These suspicions were investigated by the Inspection Service Office, which is responsible for inspecting police officers, including those at NAKA. Other institutions also entered into these openconflicts between NAKA and the Office of the Inspection Service, in particular the Slovak Information Service ("SIS"), the General Prosecutor's Office, the Office of the Inspection Service and the Regional Prosecutor's Office, and, of course, politicians. The network of conflicts between these institutions reached such proportions between autumn 2020 and autumn 2021 that journalists began to speak openly of aso-called 'war in the police'. The man who started it is the former head of NAKA's operational department, Ján Kaľavský, who came to the Inspection Service Office with the claim that police officers manipulateinvestigations into major corruption cases. In order to obtain evidence, he became an agent providing, for example, wiretaps on the goings-on at NAKA. He was subsequently accused of corruption by his colleagues, and in August 2021 Káľavský fled across the border. He was caught in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but the courts refused to extradite him to Slovakia. He applied for asylum in that country. Subsequently, in an interview published on 6 September 2022 for the weekly Plus7dní, he stated that he feared for his life and published shocking information about how some NAKA officers had mentally abused, tortured, blackmailed, fabricated evidence, falsified official records, detained them in the early hours of the morning by a special commando and deliberately mistreated them during arrest and detention in order to force them to make certain statements. Káľavský realised that he wanted no part in this when the investigator Čurilla told him, in connection with his later accused colleague Kučerko, that he would soon be able to go to his home and might shoot his children, and when the general in custody, General Lučanský, died and these colleagues were rejoicing. Káľavský considers his accusation to be fabricated, saying that the legal wiretaps of the Čurilla show that he "_ needed to attribute anything to him. Anything!_". He criticizes that Danilel Lipšic called it informal debates of policemen.

We recall that in the past, only a prosecutor with 10 years of experience, working at the General Prosecutor's Office, could be elected as a special prosecutor. In 2020, the legislation was purposely changed so that someone who had no experience in the prosecutor's office could be elected as a special prosecutor, and the special prosecutor subsequently became the politician Daniel Lipšic.

3. Reaction of the ECtHR to the failures of the Slovak Republic

The fact that our criticism contained in the Call from 2021 was justified and that the results of the above-mentioned SAK surveys are an important indicator of human rights violations in criminal cases is evidenced by the reaction of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic as well as the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) contained in its subsequent judgments as well as in the complaints communicated to the Government of the Slovak Republic.

3.1 Cooperating witnesses

As an example, we refer to the case of Erik Adamčo v. Slovakia of 1 June 2023, in which the ECtHR held that the Slovak courts had not paid any clear individual attention to the extent and nature of the benefits of cooperating witnesses obtained in exchange for incriminating evidence, despite the specific arguments made by the complainant Adamčo on this point. These benefits were significant, including the fact that the authorities delayed the prosecution of witnesses for multiple murders. The ECtHR noted that Slovak law did not appear to contain provisions relating to the granting of immunity and that such agreements were made outside judicial review. The applicant Adamčo received only abstract answers to his arguments in this respect. As the use of evidence in the trial concerning the applicant Adamčo with evidence from cooperating witnesses did not have adequate safeguards to ensure his fairness, it did not satisfy the safeguards of Article 6 and therefore there had been a violation of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention).

In Vasaráb and Paulus v. Slovakia, 15.12.2022, the ECtHR concluded that, given the way in which the domestic courts had responded to the applicants' request to question witnesses in their favour, the proceedings as a whole had been unfair and there had been a violation of Article 6(1) and (3)(d) of the Convention. It noted that the applicants' proposed evidence should have related to motive as a structural element of the offence (motive was part of the offence) and the credibility of the evidence of the key witness against the applicants. They were therefore considered by the ECtHR to be relevant to the substance of the charges. In this judgment, the ECtHR reminded the Slovak authorities of the fundamental principle of criminal procedure, also contained in our Criminal Procedure Code, according to which the law enforcement authorities must clarify with equal diligence the circumstances testifying against the accused as well as those testifying in his favour. In the applicants' case, according to the ECtHR, the Slovak authorities failed to do so. The ECtHR stressed that they had examined only one version of events and had actively refused to examine the version put forward by the complainants. The ECtHR also stressed the need for careful scrutiny of the testimony of witnesses who are themselves implicated in criminal activity and testify in exchange forimpunity or other benefits.

3.2 Ill-treatment in detention and disproportionate police intervention

With regard to the content of the Call from 2021, we further note that the ECtHR has notified the Government of the Slovak Republic of the complaint of Attorney Ribár, raising the question under Article 3 of the Convention whether the conditions of his detention constituted inhuman and degrading treatment. Further, whether there had been a violation of the applicant's right to respect for his right to private and family life in view of the restrictions imposed on the applicant as regards his ability to call and see members of his family. The ECtHR also asks whether he has been discriminated against in the enjoyment of his rights under the Convention. Another complaint already communicated to the Government to the ECtHR concerns the allegedly disproportionate force used against the applicant during the police intervention at her family home to arrest her father. During the police intervention, the applicant, Ms Brhlová, sustained injuries which required her to be treated in hospital. The complainant's criminal complaint in connection with the incident was successively dismissed by the police and the prosecutor's office, which concluded that there was no evidence that acriminal offence had been committed. According to the complainant, theState failed to conduct an effective investigation into the illegal entry into her family home. The ECtHR asks the Government not only whether there has been an unjustified interference with the applicant's right to respect for her private life and home, but also, under Article 8 of the Convention, whether the proceedings concerning the applicant's criminal complaint complied with the requirements of Article 8 of the Convention.

3.3 Article 18 of the Convention and the alleged ancillary purposes of the interference with human rights

This year the ECtHR also notified the Government of the complaints of Jaroslav Haščák joined in one proceeding and of Róbert Fico. In both cases, the ECtHR is also asking about possible violations of Article 18 of the Convention by the Slovak Republic. Both of the above-mentioned complaints have their origins in criminal proceedings in connection with which the complainants allege violations of Articles 8 (right to respect for private life), 13 (right to an effective remedy), and 18 of the Convention (prohibition on the use of restrictions on the exercise of rights for a purpose other than that for which they were intended). In the case of Róbert Fico, it is also a violation of Article 6 of the Convention (the right to a fair trial) in relation to the proceedings on his constitutional complaint before the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic. The first complaint relates to the alleged leak of information to the press concerning the detention of the complainant Jaroslav Haščák and the search of his offices, which took place on 1 December 2020 in connection with criminal proceedings against him. On that date, a large number of police officers in heavy weapons entered the complainant's business premises in order to carry out a search and detain him. Those acts were carried out under the scrutiny of the media. The applicant submits that this exposure was tainted by the arbitrary leaking of information about his arrest and the execution of the searches to the media and that he was denied protection of his rights inthis respect by the Constitutional Court. The ECtHR questions the Government of the Slovak Republic on the possible violation of the applicant's right to the protection of his private life under Article 8 of the Convention, as well as on the violation of the right to an effective domestic remedy in respect of Article 8 of the Convention, as required by Article 13 of the Convention. The final question concerns whether, in the case of a leak for which the Slovak Republic was responsible, the restrictions imposed on the applicant's right to respect for private life under Article 8 of the Convention were used for a purpose other than that envisaged by that provision, in breach of Article 18 of the Convention. The second complaint, which raises the question of a possible violation of Article 18 of the Convention, concerns the making of audio-visual recordings of the complainant Róbert Fico's private meetings at a hunting lodge in criminal proceedings. Also in this case, the ECtHR asks about a possible violation of Articles 8 and 13 of the Convention in connection with the making of audio-visual recordings in the interior of the (hunting) lodge. At the same time, however, it raises the question of a possible violation of Article 18 of the Convention on the ground of whether theinterference with the applicant's right to privacy was aimed at a hidden purpose (political discrediting of the applicant) and not at the officially presented reasons for the criminal investigation. The purpose of Article 18 of the Convention is to prevent the abuse of power by State authorities. In the past, the ECtHR has found violations of Article 18 of the Convention, in particular in relation to states such as Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia or Turkey. In relation to theSlovak Republic, no violation of this article has been found so far. If this international judicial body finds that Article 18 of the Conventionhas been violated, it will mean nothing other than that the responsibleauthorities have deviated from the basic principles and deliberatelyabused the criminal justice system.

4. Position on the Government's current legislative initiative

In light of the above, we note with concern how the representatives of the opposition, many of whom have in the past been fully responsible for the violations of the fundamental principles of the rule of law that we outlined in the 2021 Call, are currently rejecting the necessarylegislative changes in response to the decision-making of the highest judicial authorities, including the ECtHR.

With regard to the proposed changes to the Whistleblower Protection Act, we recall that under the ECtHR's consistent jurisprudence, if a person has a defensible claim that he or she has been subjected to treatment by the police or other comparable state authorities, which is unlawful and contrary to Article 2 of the Convention protecting the right to life, Article 3 of the Convention prohibiting torture inhuman and degrading treatment or Article 8 of the Convention prohibiting unreasonable interference with physical and mental integrity or privacy, then these provisions imply a requirement to conduct an effective official investigation. This investigation must lead to the identification and punishment of those responsible. If this were not the case, then, according to this international judicial body, it would be possible in some cases for public officials to trample on the rights of those subject to their jurisdiction with near impunity. According to the ECtHR, the main purpose of an investigation is to ensure that public servants or public authorities are held accountable for treatment contrary to the above-mentioned articles of the Convention which has occurred in the course of their duties. In order for an investigation tobe considered effective, the institutions and persons responsible for it must be independent of those being investigated. Thus, the investigation of criminal activities by members of the Slovak Police Force must clearly meet the requirement of independence, whereby not only hierarchical, institutional independence is important, but also the practical independence of the investigator. The current legal situation results in an interpretation of the law which, in its consequences, allows officers of the Slovak Police Force accused of criminal activities investigated by the Inspection Service Office to continue to work at the Inspection Service Office, which is in absolute contradiction with the aforementioned ECtHR case law concerning the independence of investigations. In view of the situation, an immediate state response is needed, and for this reason, too, an abbreviated legislative procedure is justified. This is to prevent the investigation of crimes committed by members of the Slovak Police Force from being frustrated. The situation arising in Slovakia is all the more serious because, according to the allegation of the former head of the NAKA's operational department, Ján Káľavský, published on 6 September 2022 for the weekly Plus7dní, those who benefit from the current wording of the law and have recently been granted the status of protected whistleblowers have had the people under their authority psychologically abused, tortured, blackmailed, and fabricated evidence. The persistence of these problems may lead to a threat to the fulfilment of the positive obligations of public authorities, as they arise from the case law of the ECtHR: the substantive positive obligations to take appropriate measures to protect life, physical and bodily integrity or privacy from unlawful and arbitrary interference specifically by public authorities, and, in the event of a breach of these substantive obligations, the positive procedural obligations to carry out an effective independent investigation of the events in question. In the context of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic, this may be a threat to its obligation to fulfil its statutory tasks, which include the protection of fundamentalrights and freedoms, in particular the protection of life, health, personal liberty and security of persons and the protection of property, the detection of crimes and the identification of their perpetrators, or the conduct of investigations into criminal offences.

With regard to changes to the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure, we recall the relevant parts of the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) on the visit to Slovakia, which took place from 19 to 28 March 2018, according to which the CPT's top priority should be to ensure that deprivation of liberty is ordered only as a real last resort at each stage of the criminal justice system, from the preparatory proceedings to the execution of sentences. The CPT urged the Slovak authorities to continue their efforts to reduce the prison population in a sustainable manner, in line with the relevant recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. In this respect, the CPT referred in particular to Recommendations R(99)22 on prison overcrowding and prison population growth, Rec(2014)4 on electronic monitoring, Rec(2017)3 on European rules on sanctions and Community measures, Rec(2018)5 on children with incarcerated parents, Rec(2003)22 on parole, Rec(2006)13 on the use of pre-trial detention, the conditions under which it is carried out and the provision ofsafeguards against abuse, Rec(2008)11 on European rules for young offenders subject to sanctions and measures, and Recommendation Rec(2010)1 on probation rules of the Council of Europe. As regards Recommendation R(99)22 on prison overcrowding and prison population growth, the annex to it defines the basic principles. According to the first of these, deprivation of liberty should be considered as a last resort and only ordered when any other sanctions or measures are manifestly inadequate in view of the seriousness of the offence. According to the fourth, States should consider the possibility of decriminalising certain types of offences or reclassifying them so that they are not subject to custodial sentences. Regarding Recommendation Rec(2014)4 on electronic monitoring, the Committee of Ministers of the RE recommended that the governments of the RE Member States, when reviewing their respective legislation and practice, take all appropriate measures to apply the principles on electronic monitoring set out in the Annex to this Recommendation. In the introduction to this Recommendation, the RE Committee of Ministers agreed, inter alia, that deprivation of liberty should be used as a last resort and that mostsuspects and offenders can be dealt with effectively and cost-effectively within the community. It further stated that the continued growth of the prison population may lead to conditions of deprivation of liberty that are not in conformity with Article 3 of the Convention, as highlighted by the relevant case-law of the ECtHR. It reiterated that prison overcrowding and the growth of the prison population are major challenges for prison administrations and the criminal justice system as a whole, both in terms of human rights and the effective management of prison institutions, and acknowledged that electronic monitoring used in the criminal justice process can help to curb the resort to deprivation of liberty, while ensuring effective supervision of suspects and offenders in the community, and thus helping to prevent crime.

In light of the situation described above, we also support the abolition of the Special Prosecutor´ Office, noting also that the misconduct affecting fundamental human rights and freedoms identified by the highest judicial authorities has occurred in many cases in the exercise of its jurisdiction.

In conclusion, once again, as in the first Call of 2021, we state that we consider it dangerous if the violation of the rule of law in Slovakia and the prevention of necessary legislative changes is justified by the opposition and some NGOs by inadequate reference to European values. In our view, it is of the utmost importance that the relevant institutions of the European Union and the Council of Europe distance themselves from the actions of the Slovak opposition if they are not in line with the rule of law. We will keep these international institutions informed about the situation in Slovakia.

       Call signers :

1. JUDr. Milan Ľalík - Judge Emeritus, former Deputy President of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic

2. JUDr. Jaroslav Ivor, DrSc.

3. JUDr. Lucia Kurilovská, PhD.

4. Assoc. JUDr. Branislav Fábry PhD.- university lecturer

5. JUDr. Marica Pirošíková, PhD.- attorney at law, advisor to the Minister of Justice of the Slovak Republic

6. JUDr. Tomáš Suchý, PhD.- lawyer and university lecturer

7. JUDr. Martin Píry, PhD.- university lecturer

8. JUDr. Štefan Harabin, Judge of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic, two-time Chairman of the SR Judicial Council and the NSSR, Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Legislation and former Minister of Justice of the Slovak Republic

9. JUDr. Eva Bieliková- Judge

10. JUDr. Ing. Gréta Noé, LLM, PhD.- Associate

11. JUDr. Štefan Neszméry- attorney at law

12. JUDr. Zuzana Štrbáková- attorney at law

13. JUDr. Martin Ribár- attorney at law

14. JUDr. Marián Bošanský - attorney at law

15. JUDr. Lucia Matejová - attorney at law

16. Mgr. Judita Laššáková

17. JUDr. Katarína Rusnáková- judge emeritus

18. JUDr. Danica Rusnák Borisová- advocate

19. JUDr. Miroslav Zobok- attorney at law

20. JUDr. Andrej Gara- attorney at law

21. Mgr. Eva Garová- attorney at law

22. JUDr. Ing. Ľubomír Havlík- attorney at law

23. Doc. JUDr. Adrián Vaško, PhD.- university lecturer

24. JUDr. Dagmar Buchalová - Judge

25. JUDr. Martin Pohovej- attorney at law

26. JUDr. Marta Jasíková- attorney at law

27. JUDr. Loránt Kósa- attorney-at-law

28. JUDr. Katarína Roskoványi- Prosecutor of the GP SR

29. JUDr. Jaroslav Kozolka - Prosecutor of the GP SR

30. JUDr. Roman Benedikovič - Judge Emeritus

31. JUDr. Rajňák- Judge

32. JUDr. Daniela Ellen Rajňáková- Judge

33. Mgr. Filip Gašparec- attorney at law

34. JUDr. Jaroslav Klátik- attorney at law

35. JUDr. Bohumil Novák- attorney at law

36. JUDr. Zita Leimbergerová- judge

37. JUDr. Michal Mandzák- attorney at law

38. JUDr. Ľubomír Lipovský- attorney at law

39. Mgr. Filip Ľupták - VSÚ

40. JUDr. Vladimír Mitro- attorney at law

41. PhDr. JUDr. Igor Kleniar, PhD.

42. Mgr. Igor Cibula- attorney at law

43. JUDr. Roman Balco - attorney at law

44. JUDr. Peter Filip- attorney at law

45. JUDr. Peter Erdős - attorney at law

46. JUDr. Dušan Ivan- attorney at law

47. JUDr. Bernard Pekár- attorney at law

48. Mgr. Jaroslav Polko

49. Mgr. Elena Szabóová- attorney at law

50. JUDr. Jakub Križan- attorney at law

51. JUDr. Marcela Morsztýnová- attorney at law

52. JUDr. Erik Magál- attorney at law

53. JUDr. Tatiana Biedniková- judge emeritus

54. JUDr. Helena Nagyová

55. Mgr. Adriana Lichnerová

56. Mgr. Viera Hradiská

57. Mgr. Jakub Môcik- trainee attorney at law

58. JUDr. Viera Vadovická - attorney at law

59. JUDr. Ľubomír Urmanič

60. Mgr. Simona Uhrinová, MBA, LL.M- attorney at law

61. JUDr. Alena Gajdošová

62. JUDr. Helena Kožíková - judge emeritus

63. JUDr. Jana Tamášiová

64. JUDr. Dušan Repák- attorney at law

65. JUDr. Martin Gajňák

66. JUDr. Ayše Pružinec Eren - Judge
67.   Mgr. Dalibor Miľan – sudca
68. JUDr. Vladimír Šebo - lawyer
69. JUDr. Želmíra Šebová - judge emeritus

70. JUDr. Soňa Soboňová - lawyer

71. Mgr. Marián Michnica

72. Mgr. Dušan Oravec - attorney at law

73. JUDr. Róbert Baran

74. JUDr. Martin Žuffa, PhD.

75. JUDr. Matej Bobovský

76. JUDr. Erik Schmidt - attorney at law

77. JUDr. Eva Goconová - attorney at law

78. Mgr. Zuzana Zajíčková - attorney at law

79. JUDr. Ľubomír Bušík, PhD. - judge

80. JUDr. Stanislav Ďuríček

81. JUDr. Peter Gdovin - attorney at law

82. Viera Vadovická - lawyer

83. JUDr. Tatiana Biedniková - judge

84. JUDr. Viliam Košút

85. JUDr. Helena Loduhová - judge emeritus

86. Mgr. František Peniaško - attorney at law

87. JUDr. Ľubomír Krajny

88. JUDr. Daniela Konečná - attorney-at-law emeritus

89. JUDr. Peter Krivák - attorney at law

90. JUDr. Adriana Soldán Steinerová

91. JUDr. Iveta Bžánová - notary

92. JUDr. Peter Oreško - lawyer

93. Mgr. Martin Škuba - attorney at law

94. JUDr. Valéria Haščáková - attorney at law

95. JUDr. Ján Jamrich - judge

96. JUDr. Jozef Onďák - lawyer

97. JUDr. František Polák - attorney at law

98. JUDr. Ivan Hubka - attorney at law

99. JUDr. Milan Križalkovič - attorney at law

100. JUDr. Petra Hatalová - attorney at law

101. JUDr. Katarína Rosinová - advocate

102. JUDr. Janka Fabriciová 

103. JUDr. Ingrid Šamajová 

104. JUDr. Michal Irsák - notary emeritus - attorney at law

105. Mgr. Ivan Antal - Judge

106. JUDr. Milan Mitterpák - judge

107. JUDr. Michaela Wewberová - attorney at law

108. JUDr. Blaťena Rusnáková - Prosecutor Emeritus

109. JUDr. Vojtech Főldes - attorney at law

110. Mgr. Viera Főldesová - lawyer

111. JUDr. Michaela Ševčíková 

112. Mgr. Roman Toman, PhD. - attorney at law

113. Mgr. Peter Ivor - attorney at law

114. JUDr. Mária Tvrdíková - judge

115. JUDr. Vladimír Zimányi - judge 

116. Mult. Dr. h. c. prof. JUDr. Mojmír Mamojka, CSc. - Dean of the Faculty of Arts in Bratislava, Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the UMB B. Bystrica, Chairman of the Constitutional Law, Committee of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic, Judge Emeritus of the Constitutional Court

117. JUDr. Peter Púchovský - attorney at law

118. Mgr. Miroslav Ľuba

119. JUDr. Miroslav Mikuš - attorney at law

120. JUDr. Michal Švec - attorney at law

121. JUDr. Miroslava Petrovičová, LL.M. - attorney at law

122. JUDr. Matej Kán - attorney at law

123. JUDr. Radoslav Hajdúch, LL.M. - attorney at law

124. JUDr. Dušan Ďurík - attorney at law

125. JUDr. Radoslav Kačur - attorney at law

126. JUDr. Daniela Bergerová - Judge

127. JUDr. Martin Janáč - advocate

128. JUDr. Gabriela Šimonová - Judge

129. Mgr. Ianko Trojak - attorney at law

130. JUDr. Mgr. Jozef Šimon, CSc. 

131. JUDr. Ján Kubiš - attorney at law

132. JUDr. Stanislava Bezáková - Judge Emeritus

133. JUDr. Pavol Špaček - attorney at law

134. JUDr. Ladislav Tichý 

135. JUDr. Igor Burger - judge

136. JUDr. Milam Valašik - lawyer

137. Mgr. Katarína Pjatáková 

138. JUDr. Dávid Matyšák, EMBA, LL.M. - attorney at law

139. Mgr. Jana Pašková - attorney at law

140. JUDr. Katarína Ondrejáková - judge

141. JUDr. Jarmila Maximová - judge emeritus

142. JUDr. Monika Nádaská - attorney at law

143. JUDr. Andrej Liga 

144. JUDr. Tomáš Nemček - attorney at law

145. JUDr. Bianka Gelačíková - judge

146. JUDr. Róbert Jano - attorney at law

147. JUDr. Viktor Križiak - attorney at law

148. JUDr. Ladislav Janči - attorney at law

149. JUDr. Milan Ščigulinsky

150. JUDr. Juraj Almasi 

151. Roman Kolev

152. JUDr. Milan Rojček

153. JUDr. Ildokó Osvaldová

154. JUDr. Eva Železníková

155. JUDr. Ladislav Gál 

156. JUDr. Jozef Tarabčák

157. JUDr. Alexander Filo

158. JUDr. Oľga Nižňaská - judge

159. JUDr. Lukáš Machala

160. JUDr. Ing. Michal Ševčík, PhD.

161. JUDr. Patrícia Krásna, PhD., LL.M.

162. Mgr. Jaroslav Polko

163. JUDr. Ladislav Kopál

The call of Slovak lawyers protesting against the continuous violation of the rule of law in the Slovak Republic


‚‚ Veritatem sequi et tueri iustitiam ‘‘


‚‚ Seek the truth and protect justice ‘‘


‚‚ Právu a spravodlivosti sa v nejakej krajine darí nielen vďaka tomu, že sudca sedí na stoličke

v ustavičnej pohotovosti a že polícia vysiela drábov, ale preto, lebo k tomu každý prispieva svojím dielom. Každý je povolaný a povinný rozšliapnuť hlavu hydre svojvôle a nezákonnosti, bez ohľadu na to, kde ju vystrčí. Každý, kto užíva požehnania práva, má aj zo svojej strany prispievať k tomu, aby sa moc zákona a úcta k nemu zachovávali, skrátka, každý je rodeným bojovníkom za právo v záujme celej spoločnosti ‘‘


Rudolf von Ihering

právny vedec


We, former and current members of the judiciary, lawyers, academicians and members of other legal professions hereby call for the principles of the rule of law to be consistently upheld in the Slovak Republic. We have been publicly communicating our objections to the violation of these principles through articles, expert opinions or blogs, and a group of judges has also written an Open Letter for the Preservation of Democracy and the Rule of Law in the Slovak Republic. However, the expected reaction of competent persons, at least in a form of professional public discussion, did not occur. On the contrary, the answer is silence, in some cases even intimidation or personal invectives.

We are aware that the conditions for complying with the rule of law principle are difficult during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the European Commission for Democracy through Law (hereinafter referred as Venice Commision) emphasizes, that even in the state of emergency, the fundamental principle of the rule of law must prevail. In this context, the principle of necessity suggests that during the state of emergency only such restrictions on human rights and changes in the division of powers can occurthat are necessary to overcome the emergency situation. At the same time, the purpose of these restrictions and changes in the division of powers must essentially be to overcome the emergency and to return to normalcy. For these reasons, restrictions on human rights and changes in the division of powers that have nothing to do with the emergency situation cannot be justified. At the same time, it recommends that constitutional changes should not be adopted during the state of emergency. In Slovakia, these recommendations are completely ignored and the extent of violation of the rule of law is extremely high. Publicly presented requests from several experts for major constitutional changes to be discussed in advance with the Venice Commission have gone unnoticed. Representatives of the executive power of the Slovak Republic and the constitutional majority of the National Council of the Slovak Republic grossly violate the obligations arising from membership of the Slovak Republic, its bodies and representatives in the Council of Europe and the European Union.

In this regard, we point out the following failures:

1. The Slovak Republic is a state with a flexible constitution and the approval of three-fifths of the deputies in the single-chamber National Council of the Slovak Republic is enough to change it. We negatively perceive that the current parliamentary majority is removing the principle of checks and balances on the part of other powers in the state. In December 2020, the Parliamentbanned the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic from reviewing the compliance of constitutional laws with the substantive core of the Constitution without proper expert discussion and despite the express disapproval of the President of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic. In this way, the government coalition has disproportionately increased its legislative power by removing the main check on the part of the judiciary that could control it. In order to preserve democracy and the rule of law, it is important that decisions of the National Council of the Slovak Republic taken by a political majority can be reviewed by the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic as the final independent judicial instance.

2. Simultaneously, with the weakening of the competence of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, the National Council of the Slovak Republic adopted a constitutional law that will allow it to extend a state of emergency indefinitely, if the government asks parliament every 40 days to approve an extension to be granted within 20 days. We understand the need to declare a state of emergency and its duration from the point of view of public health protection, but it is important that this institute is not abused and beyond the constitutional review.

3. The use of shortened legislative process is also extremely risky. In 2020, more than 60 laws were passed through this procedure. However, many of the adopted legislative changes were not related to the pandemic and its consequences at all. For example, there was a significant change in the Act on the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic and the adoption of several constitutional changes. Such shortened legislative process prevents the involvement of the public in the legislative process and is contrary to the principles of open government. Not only the professional public from the third sector was excluded, but also experts working in government departments, the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic, the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic, or in the academic field.

4. Violations of the rule of law also include the application of ex post facto laws contrary to the principles of legal certainty. Furthermore, these have been adopted in the shortened legislative process. For example, the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic suspended the provisions of the Act on the Protection, Support and Development of Public Health of October 2020 excluding the right to compensation for damage and loss of profits due to the implementation of anti-epidemic measures. The Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic accepted the motion of the President of the Slovak Republic objecting the non-compliance of the said provision with the provisions of the Constitution and the Constitutional Act on State Security for further proceedings. Another controversial measure to exclude such compensation was the legal norm, which allowed traders to keep their shops open, but prohibited consumers from visiting them. In this case, it may be an unusual form of evasion of the law.

5. Unjustified, illogical, contradictory and disproportionate human rights violations often occur during the adoption of anti-epidemic measures. The public and the public authorities concerned are informed very late, while the ones responsible for these actions do not take into account the warnings and opinions of relevant professional chambers, including the Slovak Medical Chamber. Limited personnel, financial or material resources of the Slovak Republic are often wasted. Serious and massive human rights violations do not occur through the law, but through hybrid acts of the Public Health Office, whose competence is disputed in many areas. Although the decrees of this Office are generally binding legal regulations, due to the special status of the Public Health Office (it is neither a central nor a local state administration body) it is not possible to initiate a review of the conformity of its decrees with the constitution and constitutional laws.

6. Legislative and executive power can be expected to take steps that bring popularity to political parties. However, the judiciary should and must act in accordance with other principles. Therefore, there is concern about the change in the judiciary and law enforcement authorities function, in particular their efforts to gain popularity with the public. We are aware of the long-standing existence of problems at the courts, the prosecutor's office or the police. However, the answer must not be populistically attempted illegal action in the fight against crime. The rule of law and applicable law must be respected even when they lead to fewer prosecutions and subsequent convictions, or to fewer persons prosecuted.

7. A major problem of the current situation is the abuse of the institution of detention in order to put pressure on the accused in order to obtain his/her confession or cooperation in detecting other criminal activity. Detention should not be used as a rule and law enforcement authorities, politicians and the public should be aware that this is not a type of punishment. We consider detention to be a fundamental problem in cases where there are obvious delays in criminal proceedings by law enforcement authorities. Such continued detention is contrary to the guarantees of Article 5 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The Slovak Bar Association, which calls for a public discussion on this topic, has repeatedly pointed out the problems related to the application of the institute of detention in Slovakia.

8. The principle of the presumption of innocence, which should be fully respected, is a key component of the rule of law principle. However, this principle is massively violated by politicians as well as the media, without any expected consequences. By violating the principle of the presumption of innocence, the government seeks to act as a prosecutor of criminals and thus creates a very dangerous atmosphere of hatred in society.

9. Some of the events of 2020 raise concerns about the humiliating treatment in detention, and there are suspicions that the aim of such practices is to obtain the confession of the accused. We draw attention to the urgent need to synchronize the conditions of detention in the Slovak Republic with European standards. In this regard, the recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) have long been ignored. According to them, it is inadmissible for persons in the so-called collusive custody to spend 23 hours in their cells without the possibility of any activities and with a very low number of visits.

10. A cause for concern is also the use of the testimony of collaborative witness against judges or police officers as a key evidence in criminal proceedings. These are allowed to enjoy freedom in exchange for testimony against specific persons. We point to the overuse of this institute without a thorough examination of the testimony of such persons, allowing them to enjoy disproportionate benefits (e.g., absence of detention and indictment, even non-seizure of criminal assets). Such disproportionate benefits for collaborative witnesses, if their testimony is the only direct evidence against the accused, have been described by the European Court of Human Rights in the case Adamčo v. Slovakia as not being in accordance with the right to a fair trial.

11. The relationship between the law enforcement authorities and the media is considered a major problem. Despite the fact that information is systematically and on a long-term basis published from the case files to selected media, which then present their biased and subjective view, state authorities have not yet responded to these media excesses and have not stopped the leak of information. According to the information available to us, the competent authorities have not yet intervened in such serious breach of the rules of criminal procedure and the rights of the defence as the publication of the entire minutes of the accused from the pre-trial proceedings. These, as serious procedural errors, have the potential to jeopardize the lawfulness of such criminal proceedings and, as a result, the very decision on the guilt or innocence of the prosecuted persons.

12. We believe that the cooperation of law enforcement authorities with the media is currently of a systematic nature. It is often used to please the public which calls for strict action in the fight against corruption: there have also been cases when a journalist has, in advance, announced when the public official will be detained. Media interest is abused to discredit specific individuals. In many cases, it was not necessary to send a special commando to detain public officials and humiliate them with handcuffs with the active participation of journalists. They were heard only as witnesses and had not previously avoided co-operation with law enforcement authorities. This gives the impression of tough action of state authorities, but it does not affect how much evidence there really is. Many such detained persons were released immediately, even without charge, after being heard only as witnesses, but tabloid photography of them being handcuffed and accompanied by a special commando remains associated with them, regardless of their guilt or innocence. The rule of law must respect the right to preservation of human dignity. Basic principle of criminal procedure "The fundamental rights and freedoms of persons in cases permitted by law may be infringed only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of the criminal proceedings, while respecting the dignity of persons and their privacy" becomes only a phrase in the light of these procedures.

13. We are also concerned about the relationship between governing politicians and the judiciary. Any decisions of law enforcement authorities and courts should not be presented as the success of the executive (as it is often presented by specific politicians). This is reminiscent of the rhetoric of totalitarian regimes, which are building and, in the past built their popularity in our republic also by means of such processes. It is also not possible to accept political statements of members of the government on ensuring impunity for alleged offenders in exchange for providing the information. These have no basis in law.

14. It is unacceptable for the current government to deprive judges of decision-making immunity due to their decisions. This is guaranteed by the constitution. And it is unacceptable for this government to maintain the decision-making immunity for other public officials making decisions in criminal, administrative or other proceedings. This step can seriously jeopardize the independence of the judiciary, especially in combination with the newly introduced type of criminal offence of "bending the law". Ultimately, such judicial reforms will have a negative impact on parties of proceedings who, as a result of systematic pressure on judges (by introducing new offences with vaguely worded essential facts) and also intense efforts to limit the independence of the advocacy without relevant reason will only experience slowdowns in process and formalistic decision-making, which cannot be considered fair or right in the 21st century civilized world. Justice and access to it undoubtedly retreat from the citizen because of the means presented by the government and its officials. This is what all the judicial professions agree on in principle.

15. The Presidency of the Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) also expressed reservations about judicial reform in three areas of judicial reform - interventions in the term of office of members of the Judicial Council, transfer of judges to a lower court without consent to change the court system and functional immunity of judges. According to the opinion, the amendment to the Constitution, which provides for the explicit possibility of dismissing the President, Vice-President and a member of the Judicial Council at any time before their term of office expires, is not in line with CCJE and European standards on judicial independence in general. Measures which undermine the security of the term of office of members of the Judicial Council give rise to the suspicion that the purpose of those measures is to influence its decision making. The intended measure will inevitably lead to politicization, or at least the appearance of politicization, of the work of the Judicial Council, as its members will depend on those who elected or appointed them, not only in connection with their appointment but also in the exercise of their mandate. The length of mandate of the members of the Judicial Council should end only at the end of their term of office, retirement, resignation or death, or their removal from office in the event of such gross misconduct as to justify such conduct. The change which introduces the transfer of judges to a lower court without consent to a change in the judicial system will, in its view, be in line with European standards only if the principles of term of office security and non-transferability, which are key elements of judges' independence, are respected. In this context, precise and clear provisions at legislative level should be further introduced. The CCJE also criticizes the amendment limiting the term of office immunity of judges, which significantly reduces the existing guarantee of judicial independence. The opinion concludes that the fight against corruption should not undermine the principle of the independence of the judiciary.

16. The so-called Judicial map, ako reforma justície opäť pod vlajkou odstránenia korupcie je zbytočne drahým experimentom, ktorý len vzdiali občana od spravodlivosti, predĺži dĺžku konania, predraží náklady konaní v konečnom dôsledku aj pre štát a zníži kvalitu rozhodnutí (znižovanie vstupných požiadaviek s cieľom domnelej špecializácie totiž nie je cesta k skvalitneniu rozhodovania a k zvýšeniu kvality ľudských zdrojov v justícii). Navyše je výsledkom procesu, z ktorého boli odborné výhrady tých najpovolanejších – sudcov, úplne vylúčené.

17. We also very sensitively perceive, from the point of view of preserving the principles of the rule of law, the effort to jeopardize or even deprive the advocacy in Slovakia of its independence, especially in the area of disciplinary proceedings. Its relevant objections, as well as objections of its individual members to the incorrectness and unfoundedness of such a procedure are either overlooked or negated by allegations of dysfunction of Slovak Bar Association disciplinary proceedings, which are based on lack of knowledge of regulations, course of proceedings and disciplinary decisions. In his letter, the President of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) drew the attention of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic to the seriousness of the situation, in which he expressed his support for independent advocacy in Slovakia.

18. We are concerned about government and some pro-government media attacking freedom of speech. Authors of opinions that are in opposition (not political, but only of opinion) are ridiculed, humiliated and discredited.

19. In conclusion, we state that we consider it dangerous if the elimination of the rule of law in Slovakia takes place in the name of European values. State institutions often repeat that by means of their steps they try to anchor Slovakia in the Euro-Atlantic area. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the relevant institutions of the European Union and the Council of Europe disavow themselves from the actions of the Slovak state institutions if they are not in accordance with the rule of law. We will keep these international institutions informed about the situation in Slovakia.

Call signers :


1.      JUDr. Milan Ľalík

2.      JUDr. Patrik Števík

3.      JUDr. Eva Bieliková

4.      JUDr. Dagmar Buchalová

5.      JUDr. Ayše Pružinec Eren

6.      JUDr. Dana Jelínková- Dudzíková

7.      Mgr. Marcela Kosová

8.      JUDr. Boris Tóth

9.      JUDr. Roman Benedikovič

10.  JUDr. Michaela Frimmelová

11.  JUDr. Ľubica Novotná

12.  JUDr. Martin Smolko

13.  JUDr. Peter Šamko

14.  JUDr. Magda Floreková

15.  JUDr. Blanka Malichová

16.  JUDr. Peter Rajňák

17.  JUDr. Iveta Zelenayová

18.  JUDr. Nora Vladová

19.  JUDr. Oľga Nižňanská

20.  JUDr. Pavol Juhás

21.  JUDr. Ján Golian

22.  JUDr. Erika Némethová Stiffelová

23.  JUDr. Roman Huszár

24.  JUDr. Monika Valašíková PhD.

25.  JUDr. Viera Malinowska

26.  JUDr. Zuzana Mališová

27.  JUDr. Andrea Kralovičová

28.  JUDr. Michaela Králová

29.  JUDr. Monika Školníková,  KS BA

30.  JUDr. Danica Veselovská

31.  Mgr. Adriana Šimková

32.  JUDr. Dana Káčerová

33.  JUDr. Zuzana Bartalská

34.  JUDr. Alena Purgat Martinusová

35.  JUDr. Jana Hatalová PhD.

36.  JUDr. Ľubomír Hudák

37.  JUDr. Iveta Willantová

38.  JUDr. Katarína Ondrejáková

39.  Mgr. Anna Križáková

40.  JUDr. Daniela Bergerová

41.  Mgr. Zita Leimbergerová

42.  JUDr. Renáta Nemčeková PhD.

43.  JUDr. Vladimíra Slobodová,  OS BA V

44.  Mgr. Dáša Štefániková

45.  Mgr. Eva Vallová

46.  Mgr. Jana Weissová Bakičová

47.  JUDr. Roman Fitt

48.  JUDr. Maroš Maškovič

49.  JUDr. Petra Priečinská

50.  JUDr. Zuzana Posluchová

51.  JUDr. Michaela Pacherová PhD.

52.  JUDr. Dáša Filová

53.  JUDr. Elena Kúšová

54.  JUDr. Paulína Pacherová

55.  JUDr. Dana Šiffalovičová

56.  JUDr. Jana Grendárová

57.  Mgr. Michal Kačani

58. JUDr. Daniela Kotrecová

59. Mgr. Miroslav Lehoczký

60. JUDr. Elena Erbenová

61. JUDr. Ľudmila Králiková

62. JUDr. Natália Slivenská

63. JUDr. Zuzana Moťovská Dobošová

64. JUDr. Ina Šingliarová

65. JUDr. Branislav Harabin

66. JUDr. Zuzana Kučerová

67. JUDr. Marek Filo

68. Mgr. Vladimír Zimányi

69. JUDr. Jana Kurnotová

70. JUDr. Iveta Halvoňová

71. JUDr. Martin Kolesár

72. JUDr. Roman Farkaš

73. JUDr. Ondrej Hvišč, PhD.

74. JUDr. Stanislav Libant

75. Mgr. Andrea Hadnagyová

76. JUDr. Peter Brňák

77. JUDr. Jana Tvrdá

78. Mgr. Ingrid Degmová Pospíšilová

79. JUDr. Igor Burger

80. JUDr. Zuzana Hlistová

81. JUDr. Mária Petrušková

82. Mgr. Zuzana Antalová, OS BB

83. Ing. Mgr. Anna Přikrylová

84. Mgr. Pavol Tomík

85. JUDr. Milota Tóthová

86. JUDr. Róbert Jankovský

87. JUDr. Marián Dunčko

88. JUDr. Oliver Kolenčík

89. JUDr. Magdaléna Bošková

90. JUDr. Ivo Hlucháň

91. JUDr. Beata Gešvantnerová

92. JUDr. Michal Mravec

93. JUDr. Katarína Kochan Mórová

94. Mgr. Dalibor Miľan

95. JUDr. Ľubomír Bundzel

96. JUDr. Eva Hudobová

97. JUDr. Terézia Mecelová

98. JUDr. Gabriela Šimonová

99. JUDr. Ida Takáčová

100. JUDr. Katarína Zaťková

101. JUDr. Jana Ocelková

102. JUDr. Helena Lodúchová

103. Mgr. Eva Strašková

104. JUDr. Pavel Lukáč

105.  JUDr. Edita Kušnírová – bývalá sudkyňa OS RV

106. JUDr. Anna Repková

107. JUDr. Bianka Gelačíková

108. JUDr. Viera Šebestová

109. JUDr. Viliam Dohňanský

110. JUDr. Róbert Foltán

111. JUDr. Milan Straka

112. JUDr. Simona Štanglovičová

113. JUDr. Antónia Bednarčík

114. JUDr. Helena Kosorinová,  emeritná sudkyňa KS BA

115. Mgr. Linda Anovčinová

116. JUDr. Viera Sládečková

117. JUDr. Pavol Laczo

118. JUDr. Viliam Hlaváč

119. JUDr. Harald Stiffel

120. JUDr. Mária Gazdačková

121. JUDr. Eva Fulcová

122. JUDr. Miroslava Saxová

123. JUDr. Ľubomír Bundzel st.




1.      JUDr. Marica Pirošíková

2.      JUDr. Andrea Havelková

3.      JUDr. Matúš Gémeš

4.      JUDr. Mag. Ján Čarnogurský

5.      JUDr. Bohumil Novák

6.      JUDr. Martin Burian

7.      JUDr. Elena Ľalíková

8.      JUDr. Kvetoslava Živčáková

9.      JUDr. Branislav Samec

10.  Mgr. Ľubomír Hagara

11.  Mgr. Ivana Štefanková

12.  JUDr. Lenka Špiriaková PhD.

13.  JUDr. Magdaléna Hromcová

14.  JUDr. Erik Schmidt LL.M Exec. MA

15.  JUDr. Zuzana Čížová

16.  JUDr. Martin Roháľ Iľkiv PhD.

17.  JUDr. Sylvia Hatvany

18.  Mgr. Alexandra Čižmáriková

19.  Mgr. Viktória Hellenbart

20.  JUDr. Juraj Bizoň

21.  JUDr. Martina Kmeťová

22.  JUDr. Miroslav Zobok

23.  JUDr. Pavol Gráčik

24.  JUDr. Soňa Soboňová

25.  JUDr. Zuzana Štrbáková

26.  JUDr. Tomáš Suchý

27.  JUDr. Lenka Maďarová

28.  JUDr. Vladimír Vráblik

29.  JUDr. Beáta Vrábliková

30.  JUDr. Ing. Zuzana Šníderová

31.  JUDr. František Vavráč

32.  JUDr. Katarína Šoltésová

33.  Mgr. Silvia Podlipná

34.  JUDr. Erika Hriňová Czíziová

35.  JUDr. Ján Krnáč

36.  Mgr. Elena Szabóová

37.  JUDr. Zuzana Hancínová

38.  JUDr. Boris Bohunský

39.  JUDr. Tomáš Rosina

40.  JUDr. Zuzana Budská

41.  JUDr. Zuzana Riehsová

42.  JUDr. Pavol Malich

43.  JUDr. Radoslav Hajdúch

44.  JUDr. Ivan Čurilla

45.  Mgr. Michal Šaling

46.  JUDr. Martin Kirňak

47.  JUDr. Matej Hodál

48.  Mgr. Branislav Šuba

49.  JUDr. Peter Jankovský

50.  JUDr. Juraj Kuráň

51.  Mgr. Miloš Glonek

52.  JUDr. Štefan Neszméry

53.  JUDr. Martin Kello

54.  JUDr. Alexander Filo

55.  JUDr. Martin Repáň

56.   JUDr. Peter Ďurica

57.  JUDr. Ľuboš Jurčo

58.  Mgr. Petra Jurčová

59.  JUDr. Michaela Tőrőková

60.  JUDr. Anna Orthová

61.  Mgr. Martin Spišiak

62.  JUDr. Štefánia Bohátová

63.  JUDr. Ján Benčura

64.  JUDr. Jozef  Veselý

65.  JUDr. Ľubica Sopková

66.  JUDr. Stanislav Vilém

67.  JUDr. Milan Valašik

68.  JUDr. Milan Valašik ml.

69.  JUDr. Matej Valašik

70.  JUDr. Radko Timkanič

71.  JUDr. Miroslava Tencerová

72.  JUDr. Michaela Plavková

73.  JUDr. Ján Gereg

74. Mgr. Martina Masárová

75. JUDr. Katarína Chalková

76. JUDr. Michal Treščák, ml.

77. JUDr. Pavol Erben

78. JUDr. Ing. Veronika Puškár Škodová, PhD.

79. JUDr. Marián Prievozník, PhD.

80. JUDr. Martin Bezák, PhD.

81. JUDr. Peter Weis

82. JUDr. Miroslav Abelovský

83. Mgr. Juliana Sumková

84. JUDr. Martin Čizmárik

85. JUDr. Viera Kuruczová

86. JUDr. Branislav Pecho

87. JUDr. Martin Bezák

88. JUDr. Renáta Endrödyová

89. JUDr. Zuzana Cenigová

90. Mgr. Peter Ivor

91. JUDr. Erika Beňová

92. JUDr. Alena Virdzeková

93. JUDr. Vojtech Földes

94. Mgr. Viera Földesová

95. JUDr. Zuzana Nabělková

96. JUDr. Renáta Matejová

97. JUDr. Iveta Bračoková

98. JUDr. Lukáš Machala

99. JUDr. František Kurnota

100. Mgr. Jiří Kučera

101. Mgr. Branislav Máčaj

102. JUDr. Michal Rosina

103. Mgr. Patrícia Urbanová

104. JUDr. Stanislav Kováčik

105. Mgr. Ľudmila Krajinčáková Blahová

106. JUDr. František Pitoňák

107. JUDr. Ivan Vanko

108. Mgr. Michaela Weberová

109. JUDr. Róbert Keller

110. JUDr. Karol Kovár

111. Mgr. Pavol Kováčik

112. Mgr. Martin Spišiak

113. Mgr. Ivan Mazanec

114. JUDr. Lenka Ivanová

115. JUDr. Katarína Rosinová

116. Mgr. Vladimír Cipciar

117. Mgr. Matej Heringeš

118. JUDr. Danuša Tichá

119. Mgr. Roman Birčák

120. JUDr. Natália Trubanová

121. Mgr. Matej Krajčí, PhD.

122. JUDr. Peter Škriečka

123. JUDr. Eva Krištofiaková

124. JUDr. Igor Macúch

125. JUDr. Radovan Repa

126. Mgr. Martin Siman

127. JUDr. Erik Magal

128. JUDr. Milan Kuzma

129. JUDr. Edita Gavorová

130. JUDr. Mária Filipová

140. JUDr. Richard Hulín

141. JUDr. Július Buček

142. JUDr. Eva Kocková

143. JUDr. Ľudovít Štanglovič

144. JUDr. Ivica Firstová

145. Mgr. Roman Balco

146. JUDr. Ľuboš Novák

147. JUDr. Ján Kubiš

148. JUDr. Petra Izakovičová

149. Mgr. David Štefanka

150. Mgr. Marianna Tóbiková

151. Mgr. Igor Cibuľa

152. Mgr. Jana Pašková

153. JUDr. Mária Dideková

154. JUDr. Peter Púchovský

155. JUDr. Martin Gubka

156. JUDr. Zoltán Koreň

157. JUDr. Radoslav Kačur

158. JUDr. Eva Skačániová

159. JUDr. Juraj Kula

160. JUDr. Igor Chovan

161. JUDr. Peter Kubík

162. JUDr. Erika Simanová

163. Mgr. Lukáš Kysucký

164. JUDr. Milan Hrbek

165. JUDr. Martina Sečanská

166. Mgr. Ľuboš Kráľ

167. JUDr. Danica Bírošová

168. JUDr. Ingrid Zlochová

169. JUDr. Monika Čambáliková

170. JUDr. Zuzanan Vicianová

171. JUDr. Ľubomír Lipovský

172. JUDr. Danica Rusnák Borisová

173. JUDr. Martin Masný

174. JUDr. Pavel Mičunek

175. JUDr. Eva Mészárosová

176. JUDr. Katarína Almášiová

177. JUDr. Gabriel Almáši

178. JUDr. Ondrej Krempaský

179. JUDr. Andrej Greguš, LL.M

180. Doc. JUDr. Zuzana Mlkvá Illýová, PhD.

181  JUDr. Denis Koprda

182 JUDr. Peter Tóth

183 JUDr. Anna Kecerová Veselá

184 JUDr. Albína Vágóová

185 JUDr. Petra Leško

186 JUDr. Martina Gombosová

187. JUDr. Andrej Vilhan

188. JUDr. Roland Kovács

189. JUDr. Igor Raáb

190. JUDr. Katarína Marková

191. JUDr. Marta Rybárová

192. JUDr. Ján Farkaš

193. JUDr. Zuzana Ondrejovičová

194. JUDr. Andrea Vladárová

195. JUDr. Ľubomír Cisarík

196. JUDr. Milan Rojček

197. JUDr. Veronika Slašťanová, PhD.

198 JUDr. Juraj Špirko

199 JUDr. Rastislav Posluch

200 JUDr. Zuzana Betáková Krkošková

201 JUDr. Svetlana Machová

202 JUDr. Ing. Marcela Martinkovičová

203 JUDr. Eva Krchňáková

204 JUDr. Alexandra Korbeľová

205. Mgr. Janette Adamcová

206. Mgr. Lukáš Trojan

207. JUDr. Martin Maisner, PhD, MCIArb. 

208. JUDr. Matúš Košara

209. JUDr. Alena Sedláčková

210. JUDr. Peter Toman, LL.M

211. Doc. JUDr. Ľubomír Fogaš, CSc.

212. JUDr. Maroš Jakubek, PhD.

213. Mgr. Ing. Zuzana Boľošová

214. JUDr. Ladislav Války, LL.M

215. JUDr. Róbert Ešek

216. JUDr. Jozef Merica

217. Mgr. Milan Kantuľák

218. JUDr. Ján Jenča

219. Mgr. Jaroslav Martiňuk

220. JUDr. Miroslav Kriška

221. JUDr. Ing. Dušan Tomka

222. JUDr. Vladimír Lamačka ml.

223. Mgr. Mgr. Martin Danišovič

224. JUDr. Lucia Danišovičová

225. Mgr. Klaudia Szekeres

226. JUDr. Janka Hazlingerová

227. JUDr. Richard Bauer

228. Mgr. Lucia Gašpieriková

229. PhDr. JUDr. Jaroslava Balážiová

230. JUDr. Jana Uhrinová

231. JUDr. Katarína Kováčková, MBA

232. JUDr. Ján Kuriačka

233. Mgr. Martin Škubla



Academic community:

1.      Doc. JUDr. Branislav Fábry

2.      vymazaný na vlastnú žiadosť

3.   gen. Dr.h.c. prof. JUDr. Jaroslav Ivor, DrSc. vysokoškolský pedagóg



1.  JUDr. Stanislav Lešo, OP BA I

2. Mgr. Silvia Kollárová

3. JUDr. Miriam Jakabovičová

4. JUDr. Beata Vítková, KP BA

Other law professions :

1.      Mgr. Judita Laššáková

2.      JUDr. Albína Božek

3.      Mgr. Filip Ľupták

4.      JUDr. Alexander Števík ml.

5.      JUDr. Emília Kršíková

6.      JUDr. Mária Pecníková

7.   Mgr. Michaela Janečková, vyšší súdny úradník

8.  JUDr. Maroš Piľa, MPA

9.  Mgr. Karin Vrtíková

10. Mgr. Miroslav Ľuba

11. Mgr. Jozef Ďurica

12. JUDr. Henrieta Schuchmannová

13. JUDr. Veronika Gróf Mikovíniová

14. JUDr. Viera Marczellová

15. JUDr. Tereza Vacvalová

16. JUDr. Katarína Jusková

17. Mgr. Pavel Kováčik

18. JUDr. Mária Zervan

19. Mgr. Matej Mihály, LL.M

20. Mgr. Bc. Jakub Zacharovský

21. JUDr. Miroslava Erbenová

22. JUDr. Jakub Podmanický

23. JUDr. Danica Molnárová

24. JUDr. Marián Mikl

25. JUDr. Peter Kriško, PhD.

26. JUDr. Stanislav Furda

27. JUDr. Ján Lasák, LL.M

28. JUDr. Peter Križko, PhD.

29. Mgr. Beata Pastorková

30. Mgr. Katarína Králiková

31. JUDr. Andrej Lipa

32. JUDr. Natália Fándlyová

33. JUDr. Natália Richtáriková

34. JUDr. Karol Kovács

35. JUDr. Alena Kovácsová

36. JUDr. Zuzana Otáhalová

37. Mgr. Viera Hradiská

38. JUDr. Ladislav Kopál

39. JUDr. Lívia Mistríková

40. Mgr. Hana Lehotayová

41. JUDr. PhDr. Štefan Palatický, MBA

42. JUDr. Viera Muríňová

43. Mgr. Simona Dvořáková

44. Mgr. Daniela Lengyelová, PhD.

45 Mgr. Igor Varga

46 JUDr. Ing. Natália Horváthová

47 Mgr. Martina Almášiová

48 Mgr. Martin Figura

49. JUDr. Andrea Ondreášová

50. Mgr. Bibiana Mozoľová

51. JUDr. Marcela Morsztýnová

52. JUDr. PhDr. Milan Španír LL.M

53 JUDr. Radim Kochan PhD.

54 JUDr. Jarmila Harvánková

55. Mgr. Jozef Halgoš

56. JUDr. Edita Bandáková

57. Mgr. Dávid Lučivjanský, PhD.

58. Doc. JUDr. Ján Štefanica, PhD.

59. JUDr. Vladimíra Jurčovičová

60. Mgr. Ivana Sedláčková

61. JUDr. Viera Sokirková

62. Mgr. Štefan Kin

63. JUDr. František Palovský

64. Mgr. Vladimír Suchánek

65. Mgr. Matej Benčura

66. JUDr. Gabriel Volšík

67. Mgr. Petra Balážová



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