
Call by Slovak lawyers responding to the violation of the rule of law in criminal law We, former and current members of the judiciary, lawyers, academics and members of other legal professions, recall our Appeal against the violation of the rule of law published in January 2021, warning, among other things, of the massive violation… Pokračovať v čítaní Slovakia

Call by Slovak lawyersresponding to the violation of the rule of law in criminal law.

December 13, 2023 We, former and current members of the judiciary, lawyers, academics and members of other legal professions, recall our Appeal against the violation of the rule of law published inJanuary 2021, warning, among other things, of the massive violation of the rights of the accused in criminal proceedings and warning against the abuse… Pokračovať v čítaní Call by Slovak lawyersresponding to the violation of the rule of law in criminal law.
